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Wolfgang Exler's Homepage

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Visitors since 13-Nov-2000:
Warning! this picture will damage your eyes! Hello!
My Name is Wolfgang Exler and I live in the area of Stuttgart, Germany.
I work as a LAN Administrator and support approximatly 50 systems running IBM OS/2 LAN Server and more than 40 Windows NT server.
With my colleagues we provide second level support for more than 4000 users at nearly 3500 PCs.
You should notice that I enjoy Scuba Diving and Windsurfing.
But I prefer to spent my time with the girl I love more than anything else.
the true reason for my homepage
You can send me e-mail I can read all over the world Letter

Main menu
> Guestbook here you can enter your comments new
US> Champion I'm happy not to drive an italian car
DE> Exi more Information about me
> Diving see me under water
US> Logbook my favorite Logbook design
US> PADI OWD Course description
US> SLK now I don't have this car any more
DE> Mäusekino how to translate - Mice Cinema ?
> SiteMap Overview of all pages
DE> Tauchinsel Diving School and Shop in Remshalden
DE> PADI/CMAS Course recognition table
US> Kuredu the 1st my favorite diving location in Maldives
US> Kuredu Online now Online - the official Kuredu site
DE> Diving in D scuba diving in Germany
US> Divers on the Net - back online !
US> Dive Buddy Scuba diving White Pages new
> ScubaLinks my collection of SCUBA related links updated
US> WorldWide News WoldWide Guide to SCUBA
DE> GERINT Members of German Internet Forum on CompuServe
DE> SelfHTML german HTML documentation from Stefan Münz
CH> Schrege Vögel nonsense made in Switzerland
> He's gone A Tribute to Jacques-Yves Cousteau
US> Lady Diana This World will miss You

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updated: Thursday, 13. August 2009 14:01:41